Leon Rajner

Henryk Goldszmit’s uncle

The owner of a lottery office, the son of Aron and Frajda Cyrla neé Rajner, born in 1822 in Lublin; died in 1887 in the same place.

akt ślubu Mindli Goldszmit i Leona Rajnera

Marriage certificate of Mindla Goldszmit and Leon Rajner 


Leon’s father, Aron Rajner, was a doctor, with his own medical practice in Lublin. On 30 November 1857, in the presence of his father (his mother died in 1834) as well as Hirsz and Chana Goldszmit, he married Mindla Goldszmit (Korczak’s aunt). The Rajners had three children: Aleksandra Cecylia, Maria Rojza, and Artur (Aron).

In other documents, the surname is alternatively spelled as “Rejner.”