Lejzor (Ludwik) Goldszmit

Henryk Goldszmit’s paternal uncle

The son of Hersz Goldszmit and Chana née Rajs was born in 1831 in Hrubieszów and died most likely in Warsaw (the date of death has not been determined).

At the age of 18, he converted from Judaism to Lutheranism. In Księga urodzin, małżeństw i zgonów parafii ewangelicko-augsburskiej w Warszawie na rok 1849 (The Register Of Births, Marriages and Deaths for the Lutheran Parish in Warsaw for the Year 1849), we can find the following record:

The following event took place in Warsaw, on 10 November 1849, at 11 am o’clock in the morning. In the presence of witnesses: Jan Krystyan West (an English missionary), aged 50, and Fryderyk Wilhelm Blönder, a portrait painter, aged 51, registered under numbers 2400 and 668 respectively, both living in Warsaw, Lajzer Goldszmit junior was baptized. The son of Hirsz Goldszmit, a medical doctor, and his wife Anna Goldszmit, born in Hrubieszów, Lublin District, in 1831, he was prepared by the English missionaries to convert the Jews to Lutheranism. He was baptized and took the name “Ludwik Goldszmidt.”

His further fate is unknown.